Pink Hydrangea Flower in My Florida Yard

My little hydrangea shrub is blooming with one pink flower.

A quick little post to share a photo. My hydrangea is blooming and has one pink flower. I’ve mostly neglected this entire garden because I’ve focused on growing vegetables.

This garden is by the front door and is a bit overrun with dollar weed and other things. I haven’t done a thing here – no fertilizer, very little weeding, and occasional watering from the sprinkler system.

The bromeliad is also blooming, and it always reminds me of the friend who gifted it to me. 🙂

The sandy soil is alkaline in my yard so my hydrangeas will always be pink. This shrub had purple-blue flowers when I bought it – back in March, 2019. If I chose to add an acid fertilizer the flowers might become blue again. But, I don’t really care. I am happy the plant is still doing well after a few years, although it is not very large.

If you are wondering if hydrangeas will grow here in Florida, my answer would be yes. This plant is five years old now. It gets shade all day long.

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Photos of My Summer Zinnias

Zinnias are some of the brightest flowers that can be added to the garden. Bees and butterflies use them for food, and even a place to sleep. The flowers are long lasting and the seeds are easy to save.

Growing Suave Nu Mex Peppers

This year I am growing the Suave Nu Mex peppers, which are not going to be hot peppers. They should be orange in color and not red like the hot ones. After starting from seed, I have two plants growing and doing well.