Okay, I Hate These Raccoons

raccoons at the door

After we moved into our new house in Florida, we noticed every night that raccoons would come out of the woods next door and explore our yard.  They came right up to the back door, with the outside light on.

Raccoons at my back door

Oh, they were so cute. One time we looked out back to see three little raccoon faces peering out of the woods at us. .  It was adorable, and if I were any kind of photographer I would have had the camera handy and captured that image.

However, I know that raccoons are not the sweet, adorable creatures they appear to be.  And these days I abhor seeing their cute faces. They are thieves, that even wear masks as a warning!  They have no regard for the hard work farmers and gardeners put into growing their crops.

Raccoons have sharp claws and teeth. They can be vicious if need be, and the ones that visit my yard are mostly unafraid of humans and my cats. They mostly do their damage at night, but we’ve been sitting at the outside table, in full daylight,  and had one come out of the woods a mere 10 feet from us. Once he noticed we were there, he left. Rabies is common among them, but this one did not act in an unusual manner. I think he just wanted to see what we were up to.

I usually leave water outside for the cats during the day because of the heat. If I don’t empty the bucket, the raccoons always get into the water overnight and leave a muddy mess.  Occasionally they dump the bucket.

One evening after we had been out on our boat, I rinsed my expensive water shoes and left them to dry on the back patio. The next morning one of my shoes was missing! Luckily I found the shoe at the edge of the woods where apparently the raccoon decided it would be of no use to him.

sunflower stalk
My sunflower was much taller than this when the raccoons tore it down.

That same morning I discovered my tall sunflower stalk broken and dragged across the grass. It was the only sunflower seed that grew for me, and I really had hoped to see the flower bloom.

But worst of all is the stealing of my tomatoes. I just picked two ripe tomatoes and left about 4 more green ones on the vine. Today I saw that all the green tomatoes were gone! Last week they stole 2 nice red ones just before I had a chance to pick them.

They will drag pots and my fabric potting bags around.  It seems they have a grand old time during the darkness of night.  When the weather is nice, and my windows are open, I can hear them outside my window at night scampering around and occasionally “screaming” at each other.  Yes, they make noise, and it’s creepy.

raccoon and chain link fence
Raccoon image from Pixabay

I’m thinking it’s time for a fence. However, I am not sure that will keep them away. I’ve read that they can climb fences, and we’ve watched them climb down from way up in a neighboring tree. The fence may have to be made of slick material, like metal or plastic, that they cannot climb.  I’m saving my money, as we had planned to fence the yard anyway.  These creatures just give me more incentive to do so.

I can only hope that with a wall between them and my yard the little robbers, or bandits as they are rightfully called, will forget about my garden and go someplace else to scavenge.


Author: Pam

New England native, Florida resident. Sharing my experiences on the water, beach-combing, gardening and camping. Zazzle designer and knitting pattern reviewer.

15 thoughts on “Okay, I Hate These Raccoons”

  1. I agree with you – raccoons are destructive. They live in our neighborhood, and my dogs will sometimes go crazy at night because they are outside trilling. I’m wondering if it’s a raccoon chewing off the tops of my waterlily leaves…I sprinkle the leaves with cayenne pepper and add mint oil to the water, but if I forget, sure enough the leaves are gone.

    We had them in the building I used to work in and one literally dropped from the ceiling while class was in session, which caused a riot.

    We also had a mother and two babies running around the halls, hissing at us. We tried to herd them down the hall and out the door, but this didn’t work well. I had one run across my feet, and I literally peed my pants.– I had to go home and change, One also got behind my desk partition and the wall, and we had to get maintenance set a trap. They were a pain. Have more stories but this is far too long already.


    1. HTG, I think you could do your own blog post about raccoon encounters! Where I live there is little “green space”, and I have no idea how many raccoons live in the lot next door. I can’t blame them for trying to find easy food, but I’ve waited months to eat those tomatoes.


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