Mid-summer is The Time For Bug Pests

Mid-summer is the time for pesky pests to show up in the vegetable garden. It’s also the time to search for beneficial bugs that will hopefully take care of some of the problems.

eggplant leaf

In July I noticed that there were a lot more unwanted bugs on flowers and veggies in the garden.

The seashell cosmos are full of aphids. I saw one ladybug on the cosmos, but she didn’t seem interested in removing the aphids. Or maybe there were just too many. Yup, ants and aphids actually help each other out… Read this article at Gardening Know How.

I have since sprayed water on the ants and most of the aphids to get them off these flowers. Some stems were cut back to remove the infestation.

Cosmos stems covered in aphids and ants.
Ants and aphids

Cosmos and eggplant are covered in ants also. And a black, fuzzy caterpillar showed up to eat the eggplant leaves.

fuzzy black caterpillar
Giant Leopard moth caterpillar

The black caterpillar turns into the Giant Leopard moth, from what I’ve discovered. I had three of these caterpillars on my eggplants, but now they are all gone. I was really hoping to see them become moths.

Along with weird and unwanted things, I was happy to find some ladybug larvae on one of my largest eggplant plants. Lizards were also crawling all over the place, so these may disappear. I hope not.

macro ladybug larvae
Ladybug larvae

Get Rid of Fire Ants Naturally, Will This Work?

As for one of the worst Florida pests ever, the fire ant, I’ve been looking for a good way to rid the garden of them.

I’ve tried pouring vinegar on the mound. It kills all the grass, but the fire ants just move. I’ve sprinkled Diatomaceous Earth all over the hill, and it seems to do nothing. I was going to set Terro traps but I was afraid the raccoons would try to eat the stuff.

  • Natural fire ant control

Now, I’ve come across a video by Elise Pickett from The Urban Harvest with advice on naturally killing fire ants. The mixture to try contains orange oil, dawn detergent and water. Watch the video here for more info.

I absolutely plan to try this as soon as the ingredients arrive.

Beetles and Worms

I don’t know what this little green beetle is, but he was happily crawling on the eggplant. Looks like a stink bug, except green. Maybe he is a juvenile.

green beetle on eggplant

These little black bugs were found on the Ground Cherry plants, which grow wild along the edge of the yard. Are they good bugs? They seemed harmless, and sure enough, they are soldier beetles which are BENEFICIAL and important for pollination.

stinkbugs on ground cherry

Each morning I am picking little green worms off the tops of my Suyo Long cucumber plants. Most likely the Pickleworm. I will continue to hand-pick the worms and hopefully rid the plants of them.

After reading this article by IFAS, it seems that the best practice for avoiding this worm problem is to plant cucumbers early in the season to beat the invasion. I will look into this further.

green worms on cucumber plant

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Author: Pam

New England native, Florida resident. Sharing my experiences on the water, beach-combing, gardening and camping. Zazzle designer and knitting pattern reviewer.

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